Grand Rapids Alimony and Spousal Support Attorney | Grand Rapids Divorce Attorney
When you are facing a divorce and have questions about spousal support in the Grand Rapids area, it is important to have the representation of a good divorce attorney. Krupp Law Offices P.C. has been providing quality divorce representation for over 85 years. If you are facing a divorce and have questions about alimony, call the divorce attorneys at Krupp Law Offices P.C. for a free phone conference. During your phone consultation, ourdivorce attorneys will provide you with immediate answers to your questions and schedule a free initial appointment with one of our divorce attorneys.
Michigan law currently allows a judge to award alimony to a spouse in a divorce. In order to award alimony, a judge must consider eleven factors in determining whether alimony or spousal support should be awarded. Although “a trial court's decision to award spousal support is not subject to any rigid formula and should reflect what is reasonable and just under the circumstances of each case,” there are several factors a trial court should consider. Cassidy v Cassidy, 318 Mich App 463, 475; 899 NW2d 65 (2017). These factors include the following:
(1) the past relations and conduct of the parties,
(2) the length of the marriage,
(3) the abilities of the parties to work,
(4) the source and amount of property awarded to the parties,
(5) the parties' ages,
(6) the abilities of the parties to pay alimony,
(7) the present situation of the parties,
(8) the needs of the parties,
(9) the parties' health,
(10) the prior standard of living of the parties and whether either is responsible for the support of others,
(11) contributions of the parties to the joint estate,
(12) a party's fault in causing the divorce,
(13) the effect of cohabitation on a party's financial status, and (
(14) general principles of equity.
Olson v Olson, 256 Mich App 619, 631; 671 NW2d 64 (2003)
There is no exact length of marriage or age in which a person would be entitled to alimony. Usually a short term marriage (under 10 years) will not be a case in which alimony would be considered unless there are underlying health problems. In addition, a case in which there is a 25 year marriage and the parties are earning similar incomes, the court would most likely not consider an alimony request by either party. In contrast, alimony would most likely be awarded in situations where parties have been married over 10 years and there is a great disparity in the earning abilities of the husband and wife. Spousal support is gender neutral. A wife can be ordered to pay spousal support to a husband based on the factors that the court considers.
There are basically two different types of spousal support. There is rehabilitative alimony, which is designed to bridge the gap between being dependent on marital income and returning to the work force. This could include spousal support for 3 to 4 years, which would allow a spouse to attend college or take refresher courses necessary to reenter the work force. The second type of spousal support, which the court may award, is permanent long term spousal support which would end upon the death, remarriage, or cohabitation of the recipient. This is typically a fixed sum on a weekly or monthly basis with no specific end date. Such spousal support is modifiable in the event that there is a change in the party's circumstances. An award of spousal support is a very serious issue in a divorce and should not be taken lightly. As such, you should consult with a lawyer if a person is faced with questions about spousal support. It is one of the more complicated areas of matrimonial law.
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